Continue-it Jam Start Devlog 1

The continue it game jam has started and part of the requirements is to have a devlog.
So as someone who writes only out of necessity here we go.

What are my plans for this game?

I had a game back in MGGJ 5 called "Not even pre Alpha". The reason was it was so terrible that it didn't even deserve a title. So now I am going to rebuild it from scratch, and by scratch I mean I am just going to throw away my original idea and just make a new game with the theme of that jam. So what was the theme?
For those who remember it was the jam with the most controversial themes. For those who don't: The theme was to choose a genre out of 4 and combine it with a genre out of a list of another 4.

My idea is to use the card genre again and to combine it with the turn-based genre. Sounds safe right? But it wouldn't be me if I didn't try something outrageous. My plan is to use the genres less as genres and more like themes. So the cards are going to be the main game device, the protagonist will use them to fight enemies and collect resources. The turn-based part will mean the player will be forced to cycle through their cards.

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